Sunday, December 15, 2013

On beginnings and endings!

She stood in the doorway with a candle gleaming in each hand-the very epitome of hope
beckoning him to follow her into the dark deep abyss-without a fear,without a doubt
safe and sound encouraged by a touch of her hand and a sound of her voice.

The darkness around him shimmered up and burst into light - he had got his paradise in that pure white haven he thought he finally had peace laughing with the angel that brought him there-wiping his tears away

But the problem with time is it aways runs out - and it did leaving them both in darkness crying emerald tears while the irony filled laugh of the creator rang hard in their ears but still--he carried on cause "faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens"

But the creator would have naught of the faith- of his master plan breaking down by the sheer power of humanity - the power of pure love and thus came the rains - that pernicious torrent of water -Ushering in the horses of darkness - extinguishing those two precious candles- killing hope -and in that storm of darkness and chaos- he lost her never to find her again

Still he dreams cause dreams are immortal and though he lost the right to know from where she looks up at the moon on stormy nights he can still be found- with two broken candles alight on the ground remembering the days of that eternal light.

Till the rain comes down again and washes away everything...till he is left once again alone,afraid in the darkness with only his dreams.


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