Sunday, October 23, 2011


Sitting within these four walls
I stare down at the scribbled page
trying to pen down a fitting tribute
a tribute to the love we shared

No words,no phrases can truly describe
your face in that darkest night
you said 'goodbye' through those barely moving lips
and in that delirium of agony I had to oblige

People said 'just another girl had died'
'just another wretched teenager who had lost her path in life'
but few knew that I felt like
an orphan still new to the motherless life

There's a cold shadow hanging over me
and in the darkness I can clearly see
how far away you are from me
your soul longing to be set free

That night sitting on my rooftop
i knew I had to set you free
but in my heart i could not forget thee
oh! please let us together be

I stood up and went to the rooftop's edge
'I'm sorry' I yelled to the silent clouds
'I'm sorry for chaining you to this earth for twelve long months'
and then I jumped............down I fell from the darkness above
....................................straight into her outstretched arms.

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