Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The monotonic ring tone of a cell phone is a common sound to children nowadays.The lives of today's kids 'ORBIT' around that rectangular gadget.(and its not even a 'SPHERE').
But I must admit that i too am caught in the trap set out by cellphones.
I love to take out my phone in a show off manner and check it."Hey!! I have 'ZERO' missed calls,'ZERO' texts and 'ZERO' new notifications in faceook...and then I remember that only a minute earlier I had checked my phone...and my facebook friend list consists of only my Mom,Dad and Grandam...I used to have 4 but then Granddad died.  

I have those slider phones that goes click! clack! a mighty fascinating sound eh!!?? and then when you are engrossed in sliding your slider to the beat of an obnoxious rap song it decides to take a little ride and lands right on the floor...and yes its now time to buy a new phone.But not to worry you can get a cheap Chinese one easily and go easy on your or rather your father's pocket.

Late at night...feeling too sleepy and just about to retire when an alarm goes off BEEP!! BEEP!!.
I jump out off bed and scamper off towards the noise. I slide along the walls pretending to be James Bond in his shiny tuxedo,and what do i find...not a secret organization ready to blow my brains up but my cell...nothing like a new text to charge you up late at night.I enter my password with bated breath perhaps it is the girl whom i met today....perhaps its her boyfriend ready to kill me.....but no its my mom texting - "ur grndmthr hs died LOL :( " poor soul she thinks LOL stands for LOTS OF LOVE.
And guess what was the first thought that hit me right then...'DARN ME!! NOW I'M FRIENDS WITH ONLY TWO PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK' .

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