Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My views on the theme of Bosco XpreZns 011 - DO IT-LEARN IT-LIVE IT

Life cannot find its perfect self fulfillment till it opens to the greater reality of existence.Knowledge,work and love become the keynote of our whole being for that is the direct means for our soul to rise to its highest intensities.When we open the window of our mind and our thirst to know the unknown,break all barriers it is then we seek.Our quest makes us curious,we become fascinated and 'LEARNING'like the fresh morning sunbeams streams in through the open casement of our mind,to kindle the lamp of knowledge.Knowledge opens an insight,it develops a  sense of perception in us and through these it speaks of 'ACTIONS',actions towards our society,our country,our fellowmen.Actions that awaken us,make us fearless in the way of uplifting manliness,that makes us shun superstitions,narrow divisions of inequality and with an undaunted sprit and indomitable courage make us do what is needed and what should be done.Thereafter let us make our room a larger,inner space where the needs and the desires of our fellow human beings would be of equal importance as ours and make it a dwelling place of peace and love.Acquired knowledge through learning leads to benevolent activities and we live a life worth living.Though the vastness of knowledge is like the oceans beyond our grasp yet by knowing just a wee bit we feel that we know a great deal-so dear let us think that what we know is but a fistful-what we do not is the entire universe.
Let us be aware of it,for awareness increases the desire to know.let our knowledge dominate our actions that would wipe out all irrationality and drive out our pervading fear and limitations so that it would make us live as an 'I FOR THE OTHER' ---
                                                         "The liberated individual being,
                                                           becomes his natural being,
                                                           a self perfecting instrument
                                                           for the perfect out flowering
                                                           of the divine in Humanity"


The monotonic ring tone of a cell phone is a common sound to children nowadays.The lives of today's kids 'ORBIT' around that rectangular gadget.(and its not even a 'SPHERE').
But I must admit that i too am caught in the trap set out by cellphones.
I love to take out my phone in a show off manner and check it."Hey!! I have 'ZERO' missed calls,'ZERO' texts and 'ZERO' new notifications in faceook...and then I remember that only a minute earlier I had checked my phone...and my facebook friend list consists of only my Mom,Dad and Grandam...I used to have 4 but then Granddad died.  

I have those slider phones that goes click! clack! a mighty fascinating sound eh!!?? and then when you are engrossed in sliding your slider to the beat of an obnoxious rap song it decides to take a little ride and lands right on the floor...and yes its now time to buy a new phone.But not to worry you can get a cheap Chinese one easily and go easy on your or rather your father's pocket.

Late at night...feeling too sleepy and just about to retire when an alarm goes off BEEP!! BEEP!!.
I jump out off bed and scamper off towards the noise. I slide along the walls pretending to be James Bond in his shiny tuxedo,and what do i find...not a secret organization ready to blow my brains up but my cell...nothing like a new text to charge you up late at night.I enter my password with bated breath perhaps it is the girl whom i met today....perhaps its her boyfriend ready to kill me.....but no its my mom texting - "ur grndmthr hs died LOL :( " poor soul she thinks LOL stands for LOTS OF LOVE.
And guess what was the first thought that hit me right then...'DARN ME!! NOW I'M FRIENDS WITH ONLY TWO PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK' .

Monday, October 24, 2011

Behind the Scenes

Excited for the Jagadhatri Pujas??
Here's a little something to reflect upon.......

With the faint echoes of Durga Puja still lingering on in the festive air.....the rolls of the traditional dhak sound once again as our Chandannagar gears up for its biggest revelry and BAM!! before we know it Jagadhatri Puja is back with a bang!!
Or rather should i say 'The chance to make a few easy bucks' is back.Want an explanation...make it a point to park yourself at a puja site for a few hours during the run-up to the pujas and you'll get it.The innumerable vehicles that are stopped and the 'chanda' forcibly collected as if some angry god is bent on demanding appeasement from unsuspecting commoners.
And come the pujas the economical brains are put to the test as in every nook and cranny of the town stalls spring up with only one intention 'provide the worst and take the most'.
And yes not to forget...we are proud to proclaim that we try our best to cater to the poor and make the pujas beneficiary for them.The usual beggar gets a rupee more from over-religious pandal hoppers while the rag- pickers wake up to dustbins overflowing with coke bottles and ice cream cups.
We are extra careful to scatter our paper plates,on which we have just enjoy a tasty delicacy,here and there so that there are surplus left for the poor to collect,sell and earn. AND YOU SAY WE DON'T CARE FOR THE POOR!!
Just one point before you close this window and forget about this post- Reading this did you feel a little something in your heart? ; did that extra spring i your step due to the excitement become a little less? ; DID THE REAL MEANING OF JAGADHATRI PUJA BECOME A LITTLE CLEAR TO YOU?
let's welcome Maa Jagadhatri to a slightly better world this year!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Agony of a Hopeful Soul

Standing at the end of the world,
I watch the crimson rays,
fading from the world so fast,
feel like they will never come again.

As each ray wipes out for eternity,
all of humanity cries out,
there comes the end with the end of the day,
this earth is doomed love is not to stay.

While glittering raindrops took the form,
of rebellious tears for many years,
jagged thunder and violent storms,
mirrored the torment of my peers.

I try to push reality away,
and shield myself under the shield of lies,
and search but in vain in the crowd to find,
the one who believes there's still hope for life.

Shaken to the core,shocked into silence,
as logic wins in sinks the violence,
a despairing feeling tiptoed into my conscience,
and the void around me numbed my awareness.

Then suddenly a power rose out from the earth,
and from the darkness a light came forth,
shattering  the dark sphere all around,
the power humans call hope.

Hope - The single hand of a friend amidst hostility.
Hope - The power that makes the world go round.
Hope - The power that makes a soul hang on forever,
            forever to the love all around


Sitting within these four walls
I stare down at the scribbled page
trying to pen down a fitting tribute
a tribute to the love we shared

No words,no phrases can truly describe
your face in that darkest night
you said 'goodbye' through those barely moving lips
and in that delirium of agony I had to oblige

People said 'just another girl had died'
'just another wretched teenager who had lost her path in life'
but few knew that I felt like
an orphan still new to the motherless life

There's a cold shadow hanging over me
and in the darkness I can clearly see
how far away you are from me
your soul longing to be set free

That night sitting on my rooftop
i knew I had to set you free
but in my heart i could not forget thee
oh! please let us together be

I stood up and went to the rooftop's edge
'I'm sorry' I yelled to the silent clouds
'I'm sorry for chaining you to this earth for twelve long months'
and then I jumped............down I fell from the darkness above
....................................straight into her outstretched arms.

The Footprint

I walked along the lonely yet beautiful path of life
too blissfully immersed in my colourful moods
enjoying the comforts and luxuries of my successes
embracing the inevitable failures within

I know not when i reached the site the road bare and yellow stretched ahead
till the place where it diverged into two dimensions
daring me to take a decision 

One road lurched off to the right
lush green grass like a carpet grew
flowers and fruits were in abundance found
bluebirds welcomed all with their sweet sound

As i turned towards the left all I could see was a road cold and bare
on it lay strew the sands of time
in which the serpent hath made its snare

I saw thousands of souls flitting past
thousands of footprints on the green grass
but only one footstep had defied all
and gone towards the devils lair

I wondered who that daring was
and who had such a steely heart
to shrug off the tempting sights
and veer off into the unknown path

I cried out to the master aloud
oh! make me brave like that fearless soul
saying this gathering my wits around
I braved my stride to the barely known

The serpent shied away from my feet
I strode on bravely never looking bleak
till I reached the end and looked back
at the same set of footprints on the sand

The sky then turned a brilliant hue
Out of the air god cried out
that daring person was none but me
I carry the valiant in their sorrow spree